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Ms. Coady's Class


"We become what we think about"

—  Earl Nightingale

Welcome to the blog! During the year, you will become very well acquainted with this website. PowerPoints, assignments, due dates, and notes will be posted weekly for you to access. Questions? Forgot something? Post it on the site. You will also occasionally be asked to write responses on the site to some of our readings.
Ms. Coady :) 




                                                               A Very Important Note on Plagiarism 

                                                               Plagiarism – presenting someone else’s work as your own –                                                                rears its ugly head in many forms. Many students know that                                                                copying text without citing it is unacceptable. But some                                                                      don’t realize that even if you’re not quoting directly, but                                                                      instead are paraphrasing or summarizing using too many                                    

similar details, it is still plagiarism unless you cite the source properly.

Here are the most common forms of plagiarism:

  • using an author’s phrases, sentences, or paragraphs without citing the source

  • paraphrasing an author’s idea without citing the source

  • passing off another student’s work as your own

How do you avoid plagiarism? You should always acknowledge all words and ideas that are not yours by using quotation marks around verbatim text or citations like footnotes and endnotes to note another writer’s ideas. For more information, ask your teacher!!

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