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BBB4M - Unit 3: Test Review

BBB4M Unit 3 - Markets, Financing and Labour 1. Canada’s competitiveness advantages - what are they? Can you explain them? - banking industry, cultural industry, tax credit, Canadian technology industry The Political Elements of International Trade 1. What are political systems and how are they classified? - Democracy, totalitarianism, mixed (republic) 2. Political risks - causes, symptoms, and definition - war, social unrest, orderly political transfer, politically motivated violence 3. Seizure of assets - expropriation, nationalization, confiscation Economy and Working Conditions 1. The economy - definition and factors - agricultural technology, job specialization, trade, permanent settlements 2. Sectors of the economy - primary, secondary, tertiary 3. Global economy & consequences 4. Economic systems -capitalism, socialism (alternative - communism, welfare capitalism, state capitalism) 5. Corporations -monopoly, oligopoly, conglomerate Consumer Demands 1. Business buyer behaviour 2. Characteristics of a business market compared to consumer market 3. Types of buying situations - straight rebuy, modified rebuy, and new task 4. Participants in the Business Buying Process - users, influencers, buyers, gatekeepers, deciders 5. Major influences of business buyers - organizational, environmental, interpersonal, individual The Canadian Dollar 1. Why do Canadian currency exchange rates fluctuate? - imports exceeding exports, exports exceeding imports, borrowing 2. Nominal exchange rate 3. Real exchange rate 4. Canadian dollar effective exchange rate (CERI) 5. What does the demand for the Canadian dollar in a FEM depend on? - 4 factors 6. Interest rate parity and purchasing power parity 7. Net borrower, net lender, debtor nation, creditor nation The Legal Elements of International Business (some of this is also on the April 29 ppt) 1. Legal forms of organization -sole proprietorship, partnership/limited partnership, corporation 2. International law - common and civil law, sidestepping legal issues 3. Intellectual property + protecting intellectual property -patent, trademark, copyright, counterfeiting, associative counterfeit imitation, piracy 4. Corrupt legal practices -antitrust, licensing and trade secrets, bribery, corruption (countries), conflict resolution 5. Legal entity 6. Rights and status of shareholders -share certificate, pre-emptive right, legal status 7. Ontario laws protecting consumers Lobbying and Trade Missions 1.

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