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EPS3O - Unit 3: Current Events Gallery Walk

Class instructions on the gallery walk:

1. Research

We will look through several New York Times magazines to find a common news event or popular news story.

2. Write

Create six questions or prompts about the current topic of study, and write each one on a piece of chart paper or on a white board. Hang or place the questions or prompts in various places around the classroom to create six stations. Images, documents, problems, or quotes may also be used.

3. Group & Begin

You will most likely be working together.

At their first station, groups will read what is posted and one recorder should write the group’s responses, thoughts, and comments on the chart paper or white board. For individual student accountablility, you may also record your own responses on a worksheet, or put your initials below what they wrote. You may also choose a colour to distinguish your thoughts from the others.

4. Rotate

After three to five minutes, you will go to the next station. Read and discuss. Repeat at each station. To involve all group members, you can have groups switch recorders at each station.

5. Reflect

Go back to your first station to read all that was added to the first response.

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