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BBB4M - Unit 4: Communication Technology

Group work:

Choose one of the emerging technologies listed in the article above OR from a reliable source you found online and then group yourself with one other student. For example, one group might investigate cell phones, while another group investigates video game systems, and so on. As a group, collaborate on the following inquiry-based project to help answer the essential question: “What lures companies to locate their manufacturing centres outside their home countries?”

1) Discuss and reach a consensus to select a single manufacturer of the item (e.g., cell phone manufacturers might include Apple, Samsung, Motorola, Nokia, LG, etc)

2) Begin with the essential question and work together to identify 4-5 subsidiary, or guiding, questions to focus your research. Assign one guiding question to each member of the group

3) Begin with the manufacturer and brand name (such as Apple ipod) and use the Internet or other resources to identify different manufacturing plants that company owns and where they are located.

4) Select one plant location in a region or country outside Canada or the US and investigate that location through the guiding questions. After members have completed their independent research, they must combine their information in a way that responds to the essential question.

5) Create an informal presentation (discussing in front of class) that answers the essential question by using that region or country as an illustration. The presentation can be in any form agreed on by the group but should include some kind of visual i.e. Map, video clip, photographs, etc. NO POWERPOINTS OR PREZIS

Here are some facts you should consider when answering the essential question:

  • Government incentives such as tax breaks and other policies favouring multinational businesses

  • Research facilities (e.g., nearby universities)

  • High educated, technically skilled workers

  • Close proximity to cosmopolitan urban centres (e.g, Eaton centre in Toronto)

  • Abundant venture capital

  • A locally based network of global business linkages

  • An environment offering attractive housing, climate, natural beauty, and recreational opportunities

  • A fully- functioning transportation infrastructure

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