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BBB4M - Unit 3: Establishing a Global Presence

Today in class we will be working on an in class assignment to assess your knowledge of the international market and how businesses work around the world. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS – CHAPTER 3 – ESTABLISHING A GLOBAL PRESENCE- IN CLASS ASSIGNMENT (GOLDEN ARCHES ASSIGNMENT) PART 1 Go to the McDonald’s website ( and answer the following questions. 1) How many countries does McDonalds currently operate in? 2) How many customers, worldwide, does McDonalds serve on a daily basis? 3) Who is the CEO of McDonalds Canada? CEO of International operations? 4) What is the philosophy of McDonalds Canada towards the environment? 5) How many years has McDonalds been operating in Canada? 6) How many locations are there in Canada?

PART 2 Choose another country from the McDonalds web site ( The country name must start with the first letter of your first name or last name. No two students can use the same country. 1) How many years has McDonalds been operating in that country? 2) How many locations in that country? 3) How many customers are served daily in that country? 4) How much is a Big Mac in that country in local currency? Use the currency converter web site to convert to Canadian Dollars. 5) How does the McDonalds in your chosen country change it’s menu or atmosphere to meet the needs of the different culture that exists in that country. Explain this change relative to the local culture.

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