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HHS4U - Nature vs. Nurture (Oct 12th)


ws:start:WikiTextRemoteImageRule:9:<img src="" alt="" title="" style="height: 1px; width: 1px;" /> ws:end:WikiTextRemoteImageRule:9 ws:start:WikiTextRemoteImageRule:10:<img src="" alt="" title="" style="height: 9px; width: 1px;" /> ws:end:WikiTextRemoteImageRule:10 dizygotic twins Definition: Twins derived from two fertilized eggs, each with unique genetic makeup, that develop at the same time. Context: Dizygotic twins are genetically as similar as siblings who are not twins. gene Definition: A specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA, located on a chromosome, the functional unit of inheritance that controls the transmission and expression of one or more traits. Context: Scientists are trying to locate the gene that is responsible for Alzheimer's disease so that they can better understand how to treat this condition. genetics Definition: A branch of biology that deals with heredity and the variation of organisms. Context: Gregor Mendel is considered the father of modern genetics. monozygotic twins Definition: Twins conceived from the same egg and sperm, which split and develop into two persons with the same set of genes. Context: Mostmonozygotic twins look so much alike that they are difficult to tell apart. personality Definition: The distinctive behavioural qualities of a person. Context: Mary has an outgoingpersonalitylike her mother's, but her brother Tom is shy like his father


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